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The Earth Trials Deposition

The Neo-Dark Age Foundation

The Earth Trials Deposition is the first literary work in a series of thoughtful and in-depth analyses of the ontological composition and trinitarian personification of human beings. It is a deeply profound modern-day dialectic that shines light on the fundamental architecture of reality, and reveals an eerily prescient conclusion regarding mankind’s state of global affairs and technological development.

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Behold the advent of a New Intellectual Prosperity of Thought, and a contemporary resurrection of substantive philosophical dialogue that boldly approaches and intellectually penetrates the outer most limits of the conceptual contemplations of existence. If you have ever questioned the nature of reality, this book will provide a remarkably breathtaking perspective on the essence of life, the mysterious Chrysalis of Earth, and the hierarchical powers of this world.


The Earth Trials Deposition Art Collection

Commemorate the release of this ground breaking literary achievement in modern-day philosophy by collecting the visually captivating framed canvas art exclusively curated by The Neo-Dark Age Foundation.

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